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I absolutely loved it. I never quite play interactive fiction games of this sort, i usually get sick of it real fast but I binged nine chapters in just a single day which is quite impressive, all of the love interests are really well written which it hard for me to choose just who i want to romance first, however; though this might be a bug on my part.. Though I did have multiple save points, none of them loaded the next day and so I have to restart from the beginning:( I wonder if this is because I’m playing on browser? But from my knowledge there’s no way to download it.. Anyways! This was a VERY fun game and I really hope it won’t be discontinued<3


When it doesn't save I save to my files on my phone

I'm glad you liked it!! ☺️ I'm not sure what's going on with your saves though- the saves work just fine on my pc and phone. 😔 I would try and use the 'save to disk' option... that saves your game onto your pc. Then, when you want to load, choose 'load from disk' and open the file you saved. That should instantly get you back to the saved spot. ☺️ If that still doesn't work, let me know and I can take a much deeper look into my game to see if there's some small error on my part somewhere haha 

This game won't be discontinued, don't worry! 💜


so, I was playing chapter eleven— Amazing IF by the way, it was intriguing! I REALLY liked Will, was romancing him.

I was too afraid to flirt with multiple people at once tho— So I didn’t flirt with Murmur at all, yet it said I was in the Ferris wheel with him not just Will. I don’t know if this helps, thank you, can’t wait for more! :D

so glad you're enjoying it so far!! And thank you for letting me know!! I think I know what is wrong and will be fixing it up for next update. 😊



-black smoke coming off his broad shoulders in wisps as he says, “You’re going to pay for what you did to Murmur-”

aaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHH?!?!?!?! dearest author??? what happened to my murmur??! what did az do to my murmur??! sobbing shaking screaming biting azrael's ankle-


Heehee 🤭 you'll find out next chapter!!


I love this so much but that cliffhanger hurts. I can't wait to have more interaction with Dani

I love cliffhangers when I'm the one who knows what comes next. 😂 And there will be more interactions with Dani coming up, I promise!! Thanks for reading!!

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You cannot end chapter ten the way that ypu did. It was getting so good that I didn't want it to end, and I can't wait for the next chapter. I basically read the entire thing in one setting.

Heehee 🤭 I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can. 🫡

Thanks for reading!!


Loved the update as always!

Why can't we save the game?

You can. There's a slight bug with the menu button in the mobile version where it's super dark against a black background. If you poke around in the upper right corner, you should be able to get to the menu!!

oh thxz ^^

No problem! ☺️




are the Shy/Bold and Emotional/Stoic meters supposed to change at all? They don't seem to move no matter what choices I make during the game. Also there's a few choices that I feel move the wrong meter (usually a choice that I interpret as shy moving the antagonistic meter, eg being shy and touch averse when introducing myself makes me more antagonistic).


When you teleport after the confrontation at the hotel, there is a broken variable that just says "$place" that I assume was supposed to have the name of the place you teleported to. In case its needed, I picked the basement bc I figured my mc has trauma from that and wouldn't be able to avoid it in the moment.


I've been slowly figuring the stats out, so they don't actually work right now lmao!! Once I figure them out, I'll be combing through the story and changing things up. I might add more touch-adverse options as well, as I know that there aren't a lot of those right now. 🤔 

And thanks for letting me know!!  That was exactly the reason I put that option there!! 😁 


AHH yeah ok that makes a lot of sense, glad I wasnt just hallucinating the bars not moving then :P


Soo, I love this and well- Ahem- let's just say that I did crush a little bird that was passing by- But I have no idea how to save?? (In mobile), I think that I've already saved the game once, but-

heehee 🤭 and I don't know why but I think that when some people play the mobile version, the UI looks a little weird or something? There's supposed to be a little icon with 3 dashes up in the right corner next to the title. You just press that and the menu should drop down. Then, there are 3 little icons that are the restart, save, and settings. Please let me know if it doesn't work though!! ☺️

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Akksjlqbdfv yesss there isss I'm just a little blind sometimes maybe 😭 (because the icon's dark and the background too, I didn't see it) Thank youuuu 😭😭😭😭 Sorry for the botherrrr :"))) And I love the story and all 

omg you aren't bothering me at all!! I wonder why it looks so dark on your phone, though...? Mine turns white. 😭

I'll have to look into the CSS code or something. I'm glad you like the story so far though!!

Thanksthanks You're So kinddskdb :"))

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I know this is like 5 days later but I think the light mode is messed up because the "3 dots" show up black instead of white. That's why it looks so dark. Since it's black on black.

Hmm... I don't know. When I turn it to light mode, it still turns out white for me. 

I even tried changing to light mode on the entire website [because I use dark mode usually] and it still turned out white for me. 😭 I've combed through the CSS, and I have no idea what's going on with it.


Uaaaah, this story is so good 😍 I love the RO's and Cameo as bird, I'm so happy I didn't hurt him. You did an amazing job and I'm looking forward to more ♥️


Loved the new chapter and cannot wait for more!


Found a broken variable, i used a save from previous version if that matters.

Should i keep adding save likes this? Always worried that pixeldrain looks slightly suspicious.

I think you have to restart a new save from the beginning, unfortunately. But I'll double-check the coding when I get home from work. I changed up the gender/pronoun variables a bit, and thought I fixed them all but I might have missed some! But thank you for letting me know!! 

And pixeldrain is fine 🙂 


Hiii! Love the story so far! However, on mobile, i can't close the menu after opening it  idk if its cause im blind and am just not tapping the right area, but anytips would be appreciated cause i had to reset the game lololol

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Hello!! I'm glad you're liking it so far!! 😊 and there are no back buttons or anything so its a little confusing, but if you tap on the little menu icon again it should close. Let me know if it still doesn't though! 


The game is very good and I can't wait for the next update.

Also, I found a small bug in the text of the next chapter button in this scene.


I'm glad you are liking it so far!! 😊 

And thank you for letting me know


Update was fantastic!  I love this story so much ❤️


Caught a bug


Thank you for letting me know!

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Yayy! The update was so amazing! Looking forward to the next one! :)


Wonderful update as always!  I love your stories so much!  Can't wait for the next one 😊


Fantastic update, I loved it!  As always I look forward to more 😊


Ah i love this so much!!! ♥️


Yay update!  It was great, can't wait for more 😊


Gonna go stalk your tumblr quick.. 👀


Heyyy Devi!! See you are trying to get me hooked on another one of your games.👀 sooo excited ♥️

hehehe 👀 I'm excited as well! 😊


Finally something about demons and angels <3

Btw. will there be customization of MC's appearance?

Yes! A lot of the customization will be in the next chapter. 😊

Yay! Thanks for the answer.


Just as good as your last work!  I love it already and can't wait for more 😊

Thank you!! 😊


Love this so far! So good!

Thank you!!


i cant scroll down on mobile

Thanks for letting me know! It should be fixed now. 😊