Looking for beta testers/proof-readers!

Hey guys!

I'm looking for beta testers.

The only requirements are-

  • Must be on discord!!
  • Please be active!! I update a lot, and while I won't demand you're attention or anything, it helps me a lot when everyone is relatively active so I know I'm keeping up with the edits and whatnot.
  • Please be kind to me and each other!!
  • Please don't share any information/story elements outside of the server.

If you'd like to become a beta tester for me, please send me a friend request on discord. [I'm devilishmango on there] and I'll send you a link to the server.

[Also, just in case anyone is worried or anxious about it- I'll gladly answer questions or chat in the server as well. It won't be a super serious "BUGS AND ERRORS ONLY" type of deal. And just as long as you post every once in a while, that's good enough for me!!]

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